My first call with my new teammates was long, as expected. Each
group member wanted everyone else to know that they had read the cases,
prepared for the meeting, and was really into this MBA thing. And when five
people want to prove that they're awesome at life, you get a two hour meeting
that ends where you started.
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I went to the fridge to grab life's most amazing two dollar treat - Stonyfield Oikos Caramel Greek Yogurt. It's heaven, especially after
two hours of looking at and listening to my new teammates. Don't get me wrong - I
love my teammates. I really do. I just like my bed more. And I'm a people guy!
Maybe if we were talking about how all of our days went at work instead of whether
Nike's calculated cost of capital was accurate, I wouldn't have needed that
little cup of incredible creamy goodness, but this night, I needed it. I needed
it bad. And at 110 calories, my figure wouldn't even be compromised - win-win
for everybody!
I went to bed and it was about 10:00pm, an hour past my pre UFMBA
bedtime and 2 hours past my sit on the couch and watch Modern Family time. My wife
was asleep in our King Sized West Elm bed (that we bought - including mattress
- off of some good friends that recently moved to Seattle. Of course, everyone
knows that buying used mattresses is kinda weird. And then I think about all of
those nights I've spent at Hampton Inns on business trips, and how many people
peed the bed, or did other things people only do when they're traveling. I
remember hearing about a real winner who peed in an ice bucket at a hotel. This guy either felt so free from life's normal and repressive home
constraints that he had to show off his autonomy by relieving himself in
a cheap plastic bucket, or he had a lot of hot ladies he had to impress.
Either way, this guy was super cool, and he's the reason I don't walk around bare foot in my hotel rooms).
Anyway, my wife was sleeping when I got to bed. I shut the lights off for her and grabbed my iPhone to catch up on all of the Draw Something games I was getting nudged on by Landon. While I was finger drawing a figure with a big dress and a pointy hat that looked more like a piece of cheese pizza on a demented person's head (how'd you guess - it's Gandalf!), I got to thinking about everything. Maybe it was those two cups of coffee my wife told me not to drink before the meeting, or maybe it was the mental stimulation from my new knowledgeable teammates. Who knows, but my mind was stirring like a spoon attacking some Arborio rice to craft creamy risotto.
I thought about technology, and how I can't even understand the
mechanics of two cans connected by a string, transmitting voices through
vibrations, let alone an iPhone that picks up my voice and invisibly and instantly moves it
to my brother's house in Santa Cruz, CA - it's magic to me. I thought about
politics, and I played in my mind the idea that if one of the presidential
candidates used their campaign funds for something other than weightless and
snakey ads, I bet the public might actually start trusting their
judgment. "Probably not" I chuckled, but come on now - someone has
got to be more creative than the current interruption marketing
tactics these politicians so thoughtlessly distribute. I guess they're
just indebted to too many contributors to actually think and act with any sense
of freedom.
I thought about business, and why the heck I'm in business. You
see, I'm a bit of a hippie, in thought and beards at least. I struggle with the
notion that all corporations know what's best, because every working
human being that isn't sleeping at work knows that the way to get to the
top is to artfully pretend and present that you're better than you actually are. Perhaps
I'm naive, but if a good portion of leaders at the top are just people who know
how to talk, and not necessarily know how to think, analyze,
criticize and question, then aren't many of our corporate decisions poorly made?
Are some companies led by people who have simply bulled their way to the top, sucked up to their superiors and nodded their
heads to the quantitative? Are we less than we could be, say if we just
poked the box a little more? And this is why I went back to school - I want to
know what I'm talking about. I want to learn how to analyze and scrutinize
data, people and especially the two working, and sometimes
not-working, together. I want to learn how to lead and engage, not through
artificial presentation, but through sincerity, knowledge and experience. Jeez
- those two cups of coffee really sent me for a loop eh?
I put my iPhone down on the bedside table, turned onto my beer belly
and put my arm around my sleeping beauty - this thinking stuff was making me
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